Paid To Click

Pay To Click, you are paid because you click advertising at given sites. Its job also one a moment, but must stay is  advertising out. than closes website previous advertising and go clicks next advertising.
Count illustration following it: Abroad PTC
¨  Each click $ 0,01
¨  Your click everyday 10 times (10 X 0.01) = $ 0. 10
¨  10 referral clicks 10 times everyday (10 X 10 X 0.01)=$ 1
¨  Commission in one day of matter = $ 1.10
¨  Commission each month = $ 33

$ 33 deep a one month, one PTC'S program, 10 refferal.  Imagine if you come on 10 PTC and each PTC there is 20 much?????

Trick registers:
1.      input goes to each PTC
2.      register
3.      enamel click verifies
4.      log in
5.      to see advertising click surf ads's or ads
6.      sit out  advertising out and out, see at up left sectioned window. if have out and out will there is enunciation gratitude
7.      close website's advertising
8.      succeeding advertising click
9.      to see income, click account's menu or username

This the PTC Recomandation